Custom Software Optimization Services
Extra speed for existing software
Whether it's your own code or someone else's, it can usually be sped up without any change to functionality.
Faster software saves energy, reduces stress, and makes people happy. Optimization can also reduce cloud computing costs substantially.
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux (servers and clients)
Languages: C/C++, Asm, PHP, JavaScript, Python, C#
Processors: x86/x64, GPU, MIPS, PowerPC, ARM
How it works:
The Machine Level optimization process usually involves a small number of rapid steps.
Repro: In your own development or deployment environment, set up a test case which reproduces the speed issues you care about.
This may be rendering frames, loading/saving files, data analysis, numerical calculation, or whatever else needs extra performance.
Source code and debug symbols are helpful, but not strictly necessary.
Profile, Analysis, Identification: Using this test case, we use a combination of pre-existing and custom tools to
help pinpoint hotspots and develop a list of recommended improvements.
Optimize and Demonstrate Gain: We make the improvements in-place, and use your own repro cases to demonstrate the speed improvement.
Finish and Deploy: Your team integrates our changes as desired.
Optimization Training
Give your engineers the machine-level skill and tools to quickly find and fix performance bottlenecks, many of which are invisible at the source code level.
We are currently accepting new commercial clients. If you've got an interesting project which needs extra speed,
send email to optimization@machinelevel.com.
Custom Mechanical Devices
Using our own software, combined with state-of-the-art fabrication tools, we design and build custom mechanical devices.
Whether they're used as props or fully functional, each one can be designed and built as a unique object.
For more information on recent projects, click here.
Digital Fabrication Software
We provide software designed to take the complexity out of 3D printing and digital fabrication.
Several types of customized objects made of plastic, metal and glass can be quickly
designed and built with no 3D modeling experience at all.